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3D virtual environment to design the Wing manufacturing system of Tomorrow

Picture of AERTEC




As AIRBUS, the aerospace industry giant, defines in its general vision about the Wing of Tomorrow (WoT) programme(1):  “no one can be quite sure how the next generation of aircraft wing will be. It may be shaped differently or assembled in a new way. It could be made of composite or advanced metallic materials. However, one thing is for sure: with aircraft production rates set to ramp up significantly, wings will need to be faster, easier and cheaper to make and assemble.

The experience of AERTEC Solutions in 3D virtual environments is a key factor fin developing future manufacturing systems.

With such a range of factors to consider, creating the wing of tomorrow will be no easy task. This is the challenge facing Airbus’ Wing of Tomorrow programme, which will explore the best materials, manufacturing and assembly techniques, as well as new technologies in aerodynamics and wing architecture.”


AERTEC Solutions’ role in the WoT.

AERTEC Solutions, the multinational consultancy and engineering firm, participates in the Wing of Tomorrow programme supporting Airbus in different subject areas. AERTEC Solutions’ expertise in 3D modelling and Simulation enables the creation of a 3D virtual environment where the use of innovative technologies and assembly techniques is pointing to the future of the wing assembly process.

As part of the Simulation work, AERTEC Solutions is building a detailed 3D layout to demonstrate the flow of tooling and material inside the facility. Clash and clearance analyses are implicit in this simulation in order to validate the concept solutions during their early design stage.

AERTEC Solutions is also heavily involved in the development of assembly technology to enable the proposed Wing of tomorrow build philosophy. In particular, AERTEC Solutions is providing expert Automation knowledge and Cost engineering knowledge to support the development of an innovative automation strategy that will be unique to the aerospace environment.




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